Friday, January 13, 2017

Reading Profile!

I love reading. Whether it is 5 pages or 500 pages, there is a chance I'm going to love every minute of it. The past 3 years I have participated in the Goodreads reading challenge, and each year I have read over 100 books, so I hope to continue with that goal again for 2017! I am always interested in what people are reading and finding new books to add to my list, so if you have a Goodreads account and are inclined to add me, please do! You can find my page here!!

My favorite type of books to read are non-fiction, specifically non-fiction written by women. There is a way that women write, especially when writing scientifically, that I just love. Maybe it's because I love seeing women succeeding in fields that are often dominated by men. That's not to say I don't like reading non-fiction written by men, I've read plenty of wonderful books that have male authors, I just connect more with female non-fiction authors. My favorite author is Mary Roach, hands down. She is able to tackle difficult and often taboo subjects with ease and humor. I started out by reading Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex, from there I was hooked! 

I also like to read books by and about comedians. Comedy is a huge part of my life, not that I could ever be a comedian, but that is the genre I go to when watching TV or movies, and when I listen to podcasts. So, naturally I would read their books when they are published.

In order to branch out a little, a few years ago I started the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. These are the books that are mentioned or referenced in Gilmore Girls. I've not gotten too far in, due to life and the countless other books I want to read, but so far I have enjoyed reading them! There are a lot of older books featured that I probably wouldn't have thought about picking up, but I am always glad I did. I have a shelf on Goodreads for them, and I found the list in this Buzzfeed article, if you are interested.   

I look forward to keeping everyone updated with this reading journey of mine! 


  1. Hi Jennifer.

    I agree with you about women having a certain insight when writing about women. This is not to say that men are not capable of writing women characters. I just feel that a person has a certain insight into their own gender's feelings and language.

    A couple of years ago I attend a panel discussion at a comic con lead by the brilliant comic book writer Gail Simone. The topic of the panel was the female gender in comics. After the panel discussion I had the opportunity to speak to and get my Birds of Prey comics signed by Gail. She explained to me that the reason that the banter between female characters like Oracle, Huntress, and Black Canary seems so natural is that she bases it on the way that she speaks with her female friends and family.

    Thanks for posting.

    Robert Bussie

    1. Gail Simone is an absolute gem! I love her run on Birds of Prey so much. I've always been a Birds of Prey fan because Black Canary is one of my favorite superheroes, but I particularly love the way Simone writes that series. So cool you got to see her at a con!

    2. I am not huge into graphic novels, as our collection at my library isn't too big, but I will have to look into her! I love that she uses her own experiences to write her dialogue!

  2. "Maybe it's because I love seeing women succeeding in fields that are often dominated by men."

    I love this sentiment! I tend to be the same way. I'm not sure if you've had a chance to read any Stephanie Coontz, but her insight on marriage and families is really interesting. I also love it that you read about/love Comedy. Comedy is HUGE in my house. My husband and I have been together for 6 years and Saturday Night Live is our running tradition. We love other comedy stuff too, but the list would get so long it might bog you down! Haha! Speaking of comedy books, I really enjoyed Yes Please! by Amy Poehler. It was a lot more inspiring than I suspected it would be.

    Nice to read a little more about you!

    1. I have not read anything by Stephanie Coontz, but she sounds incredibly interesting! I will definitely be adding her to my list.

      And I loved Yes Please! I love her in general so I knew I would love it. It still kind of blows my mind that her and Nick Kroll were together, but that is slightly off topic. I just have strong feelings about it. I love them separately, but I just thought it was a strange pairing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. While we are on the topic of comedy books by women, I recently stumbled across Let's Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson and it has had me in stitches. Its definitely written for a more adult audience, but she has a wicked sense of humor.

  3. Ah, the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge! I love Gilmore Girls but I haven't yet tried to tackle reading all of her books. I do not read many classic books which is why I probably haven't attempted the challenge. I love that the challenge allows you to branch out in your reading!

    1. There are a lot of classics, and a lot that should be classics on there. I hadn't heard of the majority of the books on the list, so I didn't start it for a long time. Especially since some of the books seem so long! I read Valley of the Dolls because of the list, and it has become one of my favorite books. It's definitely a 'challenge' to get through some of the books though! :)

  4. Every year I think about starting the Rory Gilmore Challenge and every year I end up saying "nah!" Often it just seems too intimidating and I don't have time due to work and classes.
    Also, I wanted to suggest that you read "Buffering" by Hannah Hart. She is the YouTube star of My Drunk Kitchen and it is a memoir of her growing up with a schizophrenic mother and coming to terms with her sexuality. While it sounds depressing, it is actually quite funny and inspirational.

    1. I love Hannah Hart! She is super precious. I've read her cookbook, but not her actual book. I will be adding that to my list, as well!! Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. "Buffering" is amazing! I just finished it. Hannah is such an inspiration. She has made it through so much and still manages to stay positive which to me is a feat worth noting. I related a lot to her writing and she told her story with such dignity which is why I loved it. No sob story, just a reflection on the way her upbringing has affected her, which is really refreshing.

  5. Jennifer,
    We share many of the same interests and love for non-fiction, comedy, and female perspective! I look forward to hearing your perspective on fiction as well. :)

  6. Excellent profile! I've always wanted to do the Rory Gilmore challenge but have noever gotten around to it! Also I LOVE Mary Roach. I read Stiff in one sitting. Soo good!
