Saturday, February 4, 2017

Secret Shopper

This week I went to a library that I haven't gone to in a long time to find a book to read. Normally, I don't go out of my way to ask for help as far as reading suggestions go, so I felt pretty uncomfortable. However, the experience was really great and I might consider asking for book suggestions more often! I came away with several books to add to my reading list!


  1. Hi Jennifer! I'm glad you had a good experience with your Reader's Advisory Secret Shopper assignment-- mine was just okay. I think you are supposed to post the whole paper here as well as turning it in on Canvas. I would love to see your thoughts on the specific questions asked in the assignment.

  2. Hey Jennifer,

    Sounds like you had a very good experience with your Secret Shopper assignment. Although you were uncomfortable, it was good that you got some good results! I was able to get good recommendations as well, and I have more books to add to my reading list! So many books, so little time!

  3. A little short on the summary, but you did turn in an excellent paper :)
